I Know Who I Am, What I Believe In, and What I Want

happy life coaching with Kim Carr

The heart of my coaching is built around three powerful questions:

  • Who am I?
  • What do I believe in?
  • What do I want?

These questions form the foundation of living an authentic, meaningful life. Recently, on my day retreat, we explored “What do I want?” – a deeply reflective and impactful question. In my next workshops and in my group program, BOOST, I’ll be diving into the other two: “Who am I?” and “What do I believe in?”

Let me share how these questions can transform your life.

I Know Who I Am

The cornerstone of wellbeing is self-awareness – knowing who you truly are. This isn’t something you figure out overnight; it’s a lifelong journey.

In our 20s, we might only begin to catch glimpses of who we are. In our 30s, we often grow and shift, redefining our identity as life throws new challenges and opportunities our way. By our 40s, we start refining those experiences, and in our 50s, we gain the ability to look back, analyse, and apply our reflections to live with greater freedom and self-awareness.

Through coaching, I help my clients uncover their unique patterns of thinking, communication, and decision-making. Using tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as a foundation, we explore how they process information and interact with the world. This knowledge often leads to life-changing insights for their careers, relationships, and personal growth.

I Know What I Believe In

“What breaks your heart?”

This is one of the most powerful questions I ask during my retreats and coaching sessions. The answer often reveals our core values – what we stand for and what drives our compassion.

Sometimes, we shy away from the things that break our hearts, fearing the pain or discomfort of those emotions. But I encourage my clients to lean into them, as they can be a guiding light for understanding what truly matters to them.

I use evidence-based questionnaires to help my clients uncover their values and strengths. For example, I know that fairness is one of my top strengths. This awareness helps me channel my frustration into action when I see unfairness in the world. Instead of letting the feeling fester, I use it to reflect my values through positive actions.

What about you?

  • Do you know what you believe in?
  • Do you know what breaks your heart?
  • How do you use those feelings to inspire change in your thoughts or behaviour?

I Know What I Want

Of the three questions, “What do I want?” is often the hardest to answer. Many of my clients come to me because they feel stuck or uncertain about their direction in life.

Here’s the truth: understanding what you want becomes clearer when you first know who you are and what you believe in. By reflecting on your strengths, your experiences, and even your mistakes, you can uncover what truly matters. Coaching helps strip away the distractions and societal expectations so you can focus on living an authentic life with purpose and meaning.

Your Turn

I invite you to take some time today to reflect on these three questions:

  1. Who am I?
  2. What do I believe in?
  3. What do I want?

There are no quick answers – and there shouldn’t be. These questions deserve your time, curiosity, and openness.

If you’d like to explore them further, join my BOOST group coaching program. Together, we’ll dive deep into these questions and create a roadmap for living life to the fullest.

Let’s start building the life you truly want – one that’s bold, authentic, and filled with meaning.

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