Thank you to all of those that joined in October’s gratitude challenge.
As you know I like to try out a positive psychology intervention every month.

As I write this, I am in a state of  “overwhelm”.

The tasks I had set for the weekend have not happened due to dealing with a flood in our home. The work and meetings for the week will have to be juggled with insurance people and carpet fitters and men who bring dehumidifiers. (I don’t even really know what they are!)

So mindfulness, has a lot to live up to this week.

I am really putting this intervention to this test.

I actually don’t have time to do it and that is why it is really important that I do  try it.

I can feel the mess and anxiety rising and I need to bring it all down.

So  please join me on this exploration and challenge, particularly if you are feeling the same way.

This month,  I am revisiting Mindfulness, for two main reasons:
Firstly, I didn’t manage to create a daily practice before and if you know me at all, I don’t like to give up,

Secondly, we have been studying Mindfulness in my university course this term and I have many peers who use it regularly and love it.

Why should you try mindfulness?

We are very easily distracted.

I am constantly thinking of several things at once.

Often, whilst I am watching TV.  I am building social media graphics or texting, and  messaging other people. I am holding conversations, whilst making tea.

Whilst writing this post, I have made a meal, watched something on You Tube with my son , put two loads of washing on and planned out my other son’s diary for the week.

Mindfulness is about present moment awareness. It is about being fully with the activity you are doing.

“Mindfulness is the self-regulation on with an attitude of curiosity, openness and acceptance. “

It is good for us.

Research by Jon Kabat-Zinn has shown that mindfulness can reduce stress, anxiety and depression as well as help with pain management and PTSD.

Not only does it reduce symptoms of mental ill health..It also helps with positive mental health such as enhanced mental functioning and increased academic achievement in students as they find it easier to focus which improves attention.

In the workplace, when people practised mindfulness regularly there was less burnout in employees, a decrease in turnover and enhanced job performance.

How do I practise mindfulness?
Mindfulness is not the same as meditation, although practicing meditation is a good place to start.
I am starting this month’s challenge using Deepak and Oprah’s 21-day free meditation called “energise your life”.
Usually , I use the Calm app and sometimes a Christian app called Soultime.
Mindful eating 
 I am going to make sure I eat at least one meal a day mindfully.
This involves feeling the texture of your food, chewing slowly and stopping eating when we feel full. It is important to eat slowly and without distraction and listen to your hunger cues, so you only eat until you are full. It is important to notice the colour, smells, texture and sound of your food.

  Mindful walking and exercise

At least once a week,  I am going to run or walk mindfully, look at my surroundings, breathe in the fresh, cold autumn air and savour and be grateful for my surroundings.

If I can’t walk, I will exercise mindfully.

 Already,  in my boxing class this week, I mindfully did each session, letting the thoughts of pain and negativity pass by and sensing my body moving, feeling each time the glove hit the pad, how my breathing was. faster. Just connecting fully with the activity and not the thoughts running through my head,

I hit a sense of flow where I was fully focused on the activity and not ‘in my head’. 

 November Mindfulness challenge 

By setting myself this challenge,  I am hoping to feel less stressed, be aware of my surroundings and my family more.

I am going to put my phone down when I am talking to people and perform active listening when I am with everyone not just with my clients.

 Please join me .

 Pick one , two or three of the above and set yourself a goal for month of November.

Choose one or two of the above activities and let me know how you get on.

See my progress on Instagram. (kimcarrcoaching)

 Or comment below.

I love hearing from you.

Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to keep up to date with everything that is happening in November and beyond. And to be prepared for the next intervention which will start in December.

Every month, I will let you know about the latest research in positive psychology. I will tell you about the interventions that are working for myself and my clients

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